Tuesday, August 30, 2005


A fitting subject:
* Anti-Polygraph.org - How to pass a lie-detector test.
* Lie/Spy Detector - an old Mattel game (looks pretty neat).
* A video clip about a vocal cues studying lie detector.

TRUTH: Every time I've gone to type lie detector, I've started out typing "dector". :/=

Monday, August 29, 2005

Synonym Chains - More Fun Than S&M Chains

"In Beyond Language (Scribner's, 1967) Dmitri Borgmann presents two synonym chains in "Beauty in Ugliness" on pages 38-9 and 191": (from Wordways.com



some more:
"In the following examples, one-way synonyms are indicated by - and two-way ones by =."








Sunday, August 28, 2005

Fresh Lies To Make Flesh Rise (not like that, sicko)

Have you ever heard of the book Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid? I believed for a long time that that was the book that introduced me to some wonderful self-referential sentences. But I checked it, just now, and it only had a few examples, so I now need to figure out what book I was thinking of. (I'm fairly certain that it was a book by Douglas Hofstadter, though.)
Meanwhile, from some random webpage:
* This sentence no verb.
* "is a sentence with no subject" is a sentence with no subject.
* This sentence totally fails in its attempt to convey the point that it is not trying to make.
* This sentence contradicts itself; well, no, actually it doesn't.
* Disobey this command.
* This sentense contains exactly three erors.
* Cette phrase en français est difficile à traduire en anglais.
* I am the thought you are now thinking.
* You and I, alas, can have only one-way communication, for you are a person and I, a mere sentence.
* Thit sentence is not self-referential because "thit" is not a word.
* When you are not looking at it, this sentence is in Spanish.
* I had to translate this sentence into English because I could not read the original Sanskrit.
* The sentence now before your eyes spent a month in Hungarian last year and was only recently translated back into English.
* This sentence has cabbage six words.
* It feels so good to have your eyes run over my curves and serifs.
* Do you read me?
* This sentence reminds you of Nathan Hanish.
* This sentence has an error in the and.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

I Like The Dual Word Puns

So I'm going to list some of my favorites:
* Napalmolive
* Hochimeningitis
* Syntaxterror (duh)
* Liberalmost
* Republican't
* Counterfête
* Kungfubar
* Syntactical Maneuvers
* Uncommendacity (also duh)
* Farenheitech
* Ceilinglish
* Dinosaurting
* others I'll think of again and add here, eventually